
Website, digital marketing, and content management 

Laughology is a London-based learning and development organisation, which use the psychology of humour and happiness to deliver training programmes and workshops to businesses, public sector organisations and schools throughout the UK

Our design and marketing brief is to manage:

  • Website content management
  • Design & branding
  • Visual tone and style
  • Social media paid ads and content promotion
  • Search engine optimisation and ranking
Laughology website webinar page
Laughology website webinar page
Laughology website resilience training page

We've worked on Laughology's design and website since 2008, when they were based in Liverpool City Centre.

They are a demanding client who require a bespoke design and marketing service, which delivers consistent results.

There have been a few tantrums along the way about how best to achieve those results, and it sometimes feels like we are their in-house marketing team. But we love working with them and like to think we have been a part of Laughology growth into one of the largest L&D organisation in the UK, counting some of the most significant technology, HR, and finance companies in the world as their training partners and clients.